3D Wayfinder

Datafox Software Engineering developed a new content management system (CMS) for touch-sensitive information kiosks

Datafox Software Engineering developed a new content management system (CMS) for touch-sensitive information kiosks and boards “3D Wayfinder”, an interactive information application provider.

The new software is used in shopping malls, airports, hospitals, railway stations, major events, theme parks, museums, and exhibitions to display interactive information or instructional material. The application allows users to determine their location, view floor plans, and display advertisements. It is equipped with a fast search engine and is easy to install.

According to Hardi Ots, the sales manager of Datafox Software Engineering’s software development, the client desired a tool that would simplify the creation of user interfaces for touch-sensitive screens providing information and instructions in public spaces. “Typical user interfaces must consist of subpages, headers with logos, time, language selection, and other such elements, along with a menu for switching between subpages,” described Ots. “For information kiosks, it is important to limit the browser’s normal functionalities such as scrolling, zooming, etc. It is also important to consider that keyboards are absent in information kiosks, and software keyboards cannot be used for security reasons. Additionally, the application should work on different screens such as 4K portrait, FullHD landscape, and even smartphones, with the keyboard not appearing on the screen in the mobile version.”

Alan Kesselmann, the technical consultant of the project, confirmed that the created application is similar to WordPress Gutenberg block editor or Editor.js, allowing the insertion of blocks into each other. “In other words, it is a content management system (CMS) designed for creating static web pages for touch-sensitive screens,” explained Kesselmann. “By using pre-configured blocks, it is easy to create and design an environment that includes all necessary informative content – texts, images, maps, menus, time, date, etc. By combining these blocks, you can design almost all common informative views – store locations, various lists, guides, etc. The end result is a static web page that can be displayed on different screens but is mostly configured to work perfectly with the client’s chosen devices.”

Vue, NuxtJS, TailwindCSS, and Docker technologies were used to create the content management system for information kiosks.

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