

Ühisteenused backend lahendus Parknerile

[EE] Ühisteenuste väikesest arendusprojektist kasvas välja hoopis teine ja algsest palju suurem projekt, millest tulemusel valmis uue parkimisäpi Parkner back-end kiht

Punase Risti veebilahendus

[EE] Datafox Software Engineering tuli Eesti Punasele Ristile appi veebilahenduse kaasajastamisel ning tööprotsesside lihtsustamisel. Baaslahendusena kasutasime WordPressi sisuhaldusplatvormi, millele lisasime NextJS-põhise staatilise veebi, kirjutab tarkvaraarenduse müügijuht Hardi Ots.

3D Wayfinder

Datafox Software Engineering developed a new content management system (CMS) for touch-sensitive information kiosks and boards for 3D Wayfinder, an interactive information application provider.

Enforcement Agency Debt Collection Information System

Web based information system with integration to the Estonian National Certification Centre authentication system. Supports Smart ID, Mobile ID and Smartcard authentications.

Microcredit Introducer

Full cycle implementation of Microcredit referral website. Website is GDPR compliant, PCI compliant with a responsive UI/UX design and all necessary integrations based on requester needs.

Leading CNC marketplace

Full cycle development of the E-commerce solution for CNC company. The platform offers possibilies to succesfully match and connect customers and manufacturers for quality production.

Simpledesk solution

Unique custom created software that is closely integrated with the Zendesk system. Enhances Zendesk Support functionality and provides mass Email and SMS notification possibilities for better requests solving.

Leading mobility as a service provider

Team of field testers performed real user testing. Automation expert, built a test automation solution for the mobile app using appium.

Datafox Call Center digitization product - ZENPBX

Full cycle implementation of the automation tool, that automatically creates tickets on received calls in the Zendesk ticket management system.

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